Bring impact into your thinking. It's the future. You will do better financially, and you will improve the world.
Sir Ronald Cohen, Founder of Apax Partners and Impact Revolution
Komizo helps investors and entrepreneurs take care of their social and environmental impacts, understand why they should do so, and redefine performance.
Our purpose ? To help organisations, be there "native impact" or "undergoing positive change", better understand, steer and maximise their positive impacts on society, while minimising their negative externalities.
We are a boutique consultancy, with deep expertise in strategic and operational support. We believe that business performance cannot be separated from impact performance, and that investors of the XXII century will consider the triple helix "risk-return-impact" when assessing investment opportunities.
*Komizo means to take care in ancient greek
For SMEs
Formation - sensibilisation à la RSE
Structuration de politiques RSE ambitieuses engageant les parties prenantes clés
Animation de Comités RSE
Matrices de matérialité
Raison d'être et engagements long terme
Construction de feuilles de route RSE opérationnelle
Gouvernance RSE
Pilotage de chantiers RSE opérationnels
Environnement : stratégie bas-carbone, éco-conception, efficacité opérationnelle, circularité, biodiversité, gestion de l'eau, stratégie d'adaptation...
Social : politique RH, politique diversité-handicap, partage de la valeur, santé-sécurité, formation, accessibilité des produits au plus grand nombre...
Gouvernance : CSRD, reconnaissance (société à mission, B Corp,...), éthique des affaires, résilience du modèle d'affaires / prospective, achats responsables...
Développement d'offres de produits et/ou services à impact
Etude de marché
Stratégie go-to-market
Communication RSE
Lien et alignement avec l'actionnariat -> notre spécialité
For investors
Formation - sensibilisation
Assistance à la création de fonds d'investissement à impact ou SFDR Article 9
PMO pour des réponses à appel d'offres
Structuration de la thèse d'impact intégrant benchmark concurrentiel, positionnement risque-rendement-impact, stratégie partenariale, méthodologie de mesure d'impact, mécanismes d'alignement d'intérêts, mise en place de la gouvernance
Assistance à l'allocation d'actifs
Screening de cible et due diligence stratégique et impact
Définition d'objectifs impact (souvent en lien avec la dette et/ou le manpack) et de plans d'action associés
Animation de Comités Impact
Support opérationnel des sociétés investies pendant la période d'investissement
Coaching et suivi de la feuille de route fixé
Accompagnement opérationnel ESG / RSE cf. supra
PMO pour des projets à impact
Komizo's Founders
Mathilde Motte
Mathilde is an engineer by background (Ecole des Ponts), and has over 8 years of professional experience related to the ecological transition. Her favourite tools to enable change are design thinking, workshop facilitation and collective intelligence.
Mathilde is Komizo's head of ecological transformation.
Laura-May Tisserant
Laura-May has previously headed the HR department of a French SME (EPSA) for 10 years, and been an independent consultant for three years. She has deep HR and DEI expertise, strong interpersonal skills, and always makes sure people are at the very center of transformation processes.
Laura-May is Komizo's head of social transformation.
Corentin Decouty
Corentin has worked over 10 years with European private equity investors and SMEs, initially providing commercial due diligence support, and since 2019, impact-related support. He has always keen to align ESG and CSR with strategy, business models and finance.
Corentin is Komizo's head of governance transformation and Komizo's original founder
Let's back track a bit and be a bit more specific : early 2020, Corentin helped Siparex, XAnge and Investir&+ win a competitive tender for a €100m impact investment fund, now called Mutuelles Impact, which he has continued to accompany since then as a part-time Chief Impact Officer. Since 2022, Corentin has also been PMO for a high-impact health related project for French Mutuelles and infrastructure investor Meridiam. Last but not least, Corentin has been ESG Operating Partner for Siparex ETI since early 2023.
Corentin has a double-degree from Essec Business School (MSc in Management) and Imperial College Longon (Msc Environmental Technology & Energy Policy, is also a proud father of two, and a keen trail runner.
Julie Lefebvre
Julie is a graduate from emlyon business school with 5 years of professional experience in marketing (Ecotone, Danone) and CSR consulting. Julie is passionate about sports and agribusiness, and is always keen to bring her positive energy and strong will to impact-driven projects.
Julie is Komizo's lead on responsible marketing and communication
Komizo's expert network
Cécile Wendling
Ex Axa
Elodie Nocquet
ESG expert.
Better Way's co-founder
Cécile Wendling
Guest speaker.
Former CEO of Legallais
Guy Tisserant
Disability expert.
Paralympic champion
Agathe Farges
CSRD expert.
Timothée Quellard
Carbon and biodiv. expert.
Ekodev's co-founder
Meaningful Collaborations
We're committed to all of our clients by providing professional consulting services tailored to their needs. We believe in forming strong partnerships and are proud of our growing client portfolio. Take a look at the list below to get an idea of who we work with.
Private equity group
Venture Capital
Venture Capital
Infrastructure investor
Trade body
Want to better align impact and performance, boost your impact, or explore to collaborate ? Contact us today and see what we can do for you.